Air Pollution & Lung Health
The Air Pollution & Lung Health thematic area elucidates the link between environmental exposures and lung disease to improve lung health across the lifespan.
Team Members

Angela Aherrera, DrPH, MPH
Assistant Professor Epidemiology
Hajera Amatullah, PhD
Assistant Professor Pharmacology
Andrea Apter, MD
Professor Medicine (Allergy & Immunology)
Michael Beers, MD
Professor Medicine (Pulmonary & Critical Care)
Ian A. Blair, PhD
Professor Pharmacology
Tyra Bryant-Stephens, MD
Associate Professor Pediatrics
Jason Christie, MD, MSCE
Professor Medicine (Pulmonary & Critical Care)
Olajumoke Fadugba, MD
Associate Professor Clinical Medicine (Allergy & Immunology)
Pouria Fattahi, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Bioengineering
Reto Gieré, PhD
Professor Earth & Environmental Science
Patrick Gleeson, MD, MSCE
Instructor Medicine (Allergy & Immunology)
Inkyu Han, PhD
Associate Professor Epidemiology & Biostatistics Temple University
Sarah Henrickson, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Pediatrics (Allergy & Immunology)
David Hill, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Pediatrics (Allergy & Immunology)
Marilyn Howarth, MD
Adjunct Associate Professor Pharmacology
Dan Huh, PhD
Associate Professor Bioengineering
Wei-Ting Hwang, PhD
Professor Biostatistics
A. T. Charlie Johnson, PhD
Professor Physics & Astronomy
Jelte Kelchtermans, MD, MSTR
Instructor Pediatrics (Pulmonary)
Beata Kosmider, PhD
Professor Microbiology, Immunology & Inflammation Temple University
Charles Leonard, PharmD, MSCE, FISPE
Assistant Professor Epidemiology
Krithika Lingappan, MD, MS, PhD
Associate Professor Pediatrics (Neonatology)
Michael Mann, PhD
Professor Earth & Environmental Science
Tara McAlexander, PhD, MPH
Assistant Research Professor Epidemiology Drexel University
Clementina Mesaros, PhD
Research Associate Professor Pharmacology
Edward Morrisey, PhD
Professor Cardiovascular Medicine
Vladimir Muzykantov, MD, PhD
Professor Pharmacology
Jamaji Nwanaji-Enwerem, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine
Trevor M. Penning, PhD
Professor Pharmacology
John Reilly, MD, MSCE
Assistant Professor Medicine (Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care)
Jessica Rice, DO, MHS
Assistant Professor Pediatrics (Pulmonary)