Earth Day Art Contest

In honor of Earth Day, the Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology is hosting an art contest for students in grades K-12. This contest encourages kids of all ages to connect with environmental science, sustainability, and health through art. Prizes will be awarded to winners in each age group. The work of contest participants will be featured on our Center website and on our social media.


The theme of this contest is “Healthy Communities.” Artwork should show how the environment in our community improves or harms our health.

Participants may submit an original drawing, painting, mixed media (recycled materials or collage art), or piece of digital artwork that follows the theme. Be creative in your use of media! All artwork must be original. No AI-generated or traced art. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality, relevance to the Earth Day theme, artistic effort and technique. All selection decisions are final.

Entries should be submitted in a high-resolution JPEG, PNG, or PDF format or arranged to be dropped off.


This contest is open to students K to 12. Only one entry is allowed per student.

Winners will be selected from each age category:

    – Elementary School (K – Grade 5)

    – Middle School (Grades 6-8)

    – High School (Grades 9-12)

How to Enter the Contest

All participants must complete our online form to enter the contest. A parent/guardian must sign off on the form if the participant is under 18 years old.

Art submissions can be uploaded directly to the form. If you wish to drop off your artwork, please indicate on the form and we will coordinate that with you. Do not mail in your submission.

Entry Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025 

Winners Announced: Earth Day – Tuesday, April 22, 2025 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Adrian Wood at