Penn Priorities

Full-bleed overflow style carousel component.

Video Loop.

Please note, this video style is meant for autoplay loops. For standard videos, be sure to provide an image in the poster field.

Video with Poster

White Variant

Content Spotlight

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your second most deployed component on the entire site.

Optonal Button
Blue Variant

Content Spotlight

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your second most deployed component on the entire site.

Test image alt
Default Positioning

This is a Hero Component. Lorem Ipsum.

This component features an optional paragraph which reveals itself on the front-end whilst hovering the header.

Reverse Positioning

This is a Hero Component. Lorem Ipsum.

Events Listing

A photo of the former PES refinery in Philadelphia

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Dolar Set Amit Consec

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

A photo of the Philadelphia skyline in the evening

Test Column Three

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Test Column Four

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Test image alt


Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Dolar set

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

A photo of the former PES refinery in Philadelphia

Heading goes here

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Layout Grids Type – Cards

Please note; the cards variant of this component typically comes equipped with more options.

A headshot of Trevor Penning, PhD

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Test image alt

Dolar Set Amit Consecutar

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Layout Grids Type – Cards 3 Columns

Please note; the cards variant of this component typically comes equipped with more options.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

A headshot of Trevor Penning, PhD

Dolar Set Amit Consecutar

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Column Three Test

Lorem ipsum dolar set amit. This will likely be your most deployed component on the entire site.

Faculty Cards

Grid of cards used to display staff in a 4 column layout.

A headshot of Trevor Penning, PhD

Trevor M. Penning

PH.D., Steve’s Dad School of Medicine 1315 BRB II/III 215.898.9445

Lorem Ipsum

Doctor or Researcher School of Ipsum 1315 BRB II/III 215.898.9445
Featured Student Story

Penn Senior Researches the Silence of Socrates in Plato’s Symposium

“That’s the nice thing about having professors who can tell me when there’s not enough evidence to support my idea. It tempers me and forces me to go back to the text and come up with really clear arguments. I like to think it’s youthful exuberance, and Plato’s such a tough puzzle, I mean, there’s so much there that it’s hard not to grab at things.”

About CEET

Accordion Columns

Another Accordion

Lorem Ipsum

Dolar Set Amit

This is a paragraph.

A photo of the Philadelphia skyline in the evening