Community Resources
These resources are developed by our Community Engagement Core. These materials are free to download and distribute throughout your network. If you would like print copies of any of the handouts, please contact us.
Lead Resources
Discover our extensive lead resources to learn about the dangers of lead exposure, prevention strategies, and solutions for creating safer environments. Learn how to collect soil samples and submit them for testing by the Community Engagement Core to understand the scope of lead contamination in your yard.

How to Collect Soil Samples for Lead Testing
Document Written instructions on how to collect soil samples for lead testing.
Lead: It’s Still a Problem (English & Spanish)
Brochure Information on lead, the health effects of lead poisoning, and ways to reduce exposure.
How to Collect Soil Samples for Lead Testing
Video This video details how to collect a soil sample and get GPS coordinates for lead testing.
Testing for Lead Based Paint
Video Demonstration of how to test for lead based paint and provides links to resources if you discover you have lead-based paint in your home.
Lead in Household Items
Video Information on how lead exposure can occur in the home through various household items, including pottery, spices, and old toys.
Effects of Lead on Children’s Health
Infographic Infographic on the effects of lead on children’s health.
Understanding Lead Soil Concentrations
Document Details on interpreting soil lead concentrations in parts per million (ppm) and action steps to take.
Is Your Water Pipe Made of Lead?
Infographic Step-by-step guide on how to check if you have lead pipes and ways to reduce exposure to lead through drinking water.
Mandatory Lead Certification for all Philadelphia Contractors
Policy brief Policy brief for establishing a bill in Philadelphia to require all contractors to receive lead safe certification.Air Quality Resources
Explore our comprehensive resources on indoor and outdoor air quality to learn about the impacts of air pollution on health and discover practical strategies for improving the air we breather in our homes and communities.

Indoor Air Pollution (English & Spanish)
Brochure Information on sources of indoor air pollution in the home and how to reduce health effects from indoor air pollution.
Children and Outdoor Pollution (English & Spanish)
Brochure Information on outdoor pollution and the potential health outcomes for asthmatic children.
Cleaning in Early Childcare Centers
Brochure Information on the potential hazards of cleaning products in early childcare centers.
Flu and Your Family: Know the Risks
Brochure Description of what the flu is, how it spreads, symptoms, and risk factors, including asthma and obesity.Water Resources
Dive into our water resources to understand the importance of clean water, identify common contaminants, and find effective measures to ensure safe and healthy water in your community.

Tour of the Well Explorer App
Video Playlist This app allows you to find hydraulic fracturing well sites and learn about the chemicals used at these sites.
Prepare a Go Bag for Evacuation
Handout Information to help community members plan for emergencies that might require them to evacuate their home, including flooding events.
Keeping Water Lead-Safe
Infographic Fact sheet on how to get free water testing for lead in Philadelphia and steps to take to reduce exposure to lead through lead pipes.